The IPAM International Program (IPAM-IP): Transforming Rural Development in Tropical Nations

9 de agosto de 2011

ago 9, 2011

IPAM IP was born with important international roles. We are the Secretariat for the Forum on Readiness for REDD. Our dream—a global alliance: A core element of our vision is an international alliance of strong, agile, local and regional organizations that are imbedded in strategic nations and forest frontiers, supporting the shift to a model of rural development that conserves forests and water resources, secures food production systems, alleviates rural poverty, and strengthens the claims of indigenous peoples and local communities to land and natural resources. , and a key technical partner for the Governors’ Climate and Forest task force that is linking California’s climate policy with tropical forest conservation programs around the world.

IPAM IP is also an important technical partner of the Amazon Basin indigenous peoples’ umbrella organization, COICA. Recently, we established a consortium of eight institutions that is linking forest conservation finance (REDD) with farmers around the world who are striving to make the shift to “low emission”, forest-conserving agriculture.

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