Reduzir as emissões de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) pela queima de combustíveis fósseis (petróleo, carvão mineral e gás natural), especialmente nos países desenvolvidos, é fundamental para mantermos um clima global minimamente equilibrado no futuro. Contudo, esse equilíbrio só será mantido, evitando assim as chamadas “interferências perigosas” no clima, se o desmatamento das florestas tropicais for também reduzido.
Target, Stock and Deforestation Reduction: a system proposal for financial benefit sharing from REDD in the Brazilian Amazon
Target, Stock and Deforestation Reduction: a system proposal for financial benefit sharing from REDD in the Brazilian Amazon
This document support that compensation from REDD can be based on the performance of each Brazilian Amazon State in the reduction of emissions from deforestation in their territories and propose a national system for such financial benefit sharing.