Policy, drought and fires combine to affect biodiversity in the Amazon basin

1 de setembro de 2021

set 1, 2021

Xiao Feng, Cory Merow, Zhihua Liu, Daniel S. Park, Patrick R. Roehrdanz, Brian Maitner, Erica A. Newman, Brad L. Boyle, Aaron Lien, Joseph R. Burger, Mathias M. Pires, Paulo M. Brando, Mark B. Bush, Crystal N. H. McMichael, Danilo M. Neves, Efthymios I. Nikolopoulos, Scott R. Saleska, Lee Hannah, David D. Breshears, Tom P. Evans, José R. Soto, Kacey Ernst, Brian J. Enquis

The Amazon basin contains the largest continuous area of tropical rainforests in the world, and has a crucial role in regulating Earth’s climate1. Rates of tropical-rainforest deforestation and the impacts of fire and drought there are well established2,3. Less is known, however, about how these factors might interact to affect biodiversity, and about the role that forest policy and its enforcement have had over time. Writing in Nature, Feng et al.4 address these issues.

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