O estado atual das mudanças climáticas no Brasil com ênfase na Amazônia

21 de junho de 2013

jun 21, 2013

Paulo Moutinho

Apresentação feita no evento ” Caminhos para uma Agricultura Familiar sob Bases Ecológicas: Produzindo com Baixa Emissão de Carbono”, realizado em Brasília em junho de 2013.

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See also

Leaf-cutting ant (Atta sexdens) and nutrient cycling: deep soil inorganic nitrogen stocks, mineralization, and nitrification in Eastern Amazonia

Leaf-cutting ant (Atta sexdens) and nutrient cycling: deep soil inorganic nitrogen stocks, mineralization, and nitrification in Eastern Amazonia

Nest excavation and agricultural activities of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens create complex belowground heterogeneity in secondary forests of Eastern Amazonia. We examined the effects of this heterogeneity on inorganic-N stocks, net mineralization, and net...