New Observations on Cebus kaapori (Queiroz, 1992) in eastern Brazilian Amazonia

18 de junho de 1999

jun 18, 1999

Oswaldo de Carvalho Júnior, Andréia C. B. Pinto, Mauro Galetti

Cebus kaapori is a new species of untufted capuchin monkey recently described by Queiroz (1992). It is similar to Cebus olivaceus, and data from molecular studies indicate that this new form is differentiated from C. olivaceus at no more than the subspecific level (Harada and Ferrari, 1996). C. kaapori has one of the smallest geographical ranges of an Amazonian cebid primate, being restricted to the border of the Amazonian lowland high forest to the north-east and south-east in the state of Maranhão and the Rio Tocantins to the west in the state of Pará (Queiroz, 1992; Lopes and Ferrari, 1996). Recently, Silva Júnior and Cerqueira (1998) enlarged the known geographical distribution of this species, describing new sites in the east of its range.

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