Apresentação – Marca coletiva de produtos agropecuários – MAPA

9 de dezembro de 2019

dez 9, 2019

Patricia Saraiva

Esta apresentação, sobre marca coletiva de produtos agropecuários, faz parte do Módulo Laranja, chamado Diferenciação de Mercado, um dos sete temas que compõem o Programa CapGestão Amazônia, realizado pelo Consórcio Eco Consult e IPAM.

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See also

Subnational REDD Strategy in the Transamazon Region: Promoting a new Model of Low-Emission Rural Development in the Brazilian Amazon

Subnational REDD Strategy in the Transamazon Region: Promoting a new Model of Low-Emission Rural Development in the Brazilian Amazon

This document describes a series of integrated strategic actions to reduce deforestation and forest fires in the southwest region of Para State (Trans-Amazon region) taken by the Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) in partnership with the Living, Producing and Preserving Foundation (FVPP) and the support from the British Embassy, the Brazil’s Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management, and the Brazilian Secretariat for Strategic Affairs.