Les Rôles des Fonds Environnementaux dans le REDD+

10 de agosto de 2011

ago 10, 2011

Projet RedLAC de Renforcement des Compétences pour les Fonds Environnementaux.

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IPAM na COP 15

IPAM na COP 15

Este texto relata as atividades realizadas pelo Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia (IPAM), durante a 15ª Conferência das Partes (COP15) da Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança do Clima, ocorrida entre 7 e 19 de dezembro de 2009, em Copenhague, Dinamarca.

Tanguro Project – Report

Tanguro Project – Report

The Tanguro Project has begun in 2004 focusing on the development of innovative techniques for the recovery of degraded areas at the agricultural frontier. Since then, the goals have expanded. The interdisciplinary group of researchers is currently studying the processes that affect an ecosystem in order to outline an agricultural production model that is balanced with conservation of the Amazon and Cerrado.