Indigenous Peoples and the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) mechanism in the Brazilian Amazon – Subsidies to the Discussion of Benefits Sharing

15 de agosto de 2013

ago 15, 2013

Demian Nery, Mariana Christovam, Isabel Mesquita, Juliana Splendore, Osvaldo Stella, Paulo Moutinho

The purpose of this publication is to provide a better understanding on the contribution of indigenous perspectives to the discussion of REDD+ benefit sharing, based on some indig- enous’ points of view and experiences of the Amazon indigenous peoples in Brazil. More specifically, the aim from a participatory and consultative process is to provide support for the construction benefit sharing models for REDD+ programs, which actually promotes inclu- sion of these people, focusing on the Brazilian context.

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