Increasing wildfires threaten progress on halting deforestation in Brazilian Amazonia

18 de outubro de 2023

out 18, 2023

Gabriel de Oliveira, Guilherme Mataveli, Scott C. Stark, Matthew W. Jones, Rachel Carmenta, Nathaniel A. Brunsell, Celso A. G. Santos, Carlos A. da Silva Junior, Helenilza F. A. Cunha, Alan C. da Cunha, Carlos A. C. dos Santos, Hannah Stewart, Vanessa Boanada Fuchs, Skye Hellenkamp, Paulo Artaxo, Ane A. C. Alencar, Paulo Moutinho & Yosio E. Shimabukuro

Sustainably managing the Amazon region is essential to mitigating global climate change and to preserving the biological and cultural diversity of the region. After promising reductions in degradation in the 2010s, a return to historically high levels of land conversion and deforestation during the past 5 years has severely undermined these goals. This land conversion — primarily the result of logging, mining and ranching — has generated social, economic and environmental burdens across scales1. Encouragingly, signs of recovery towards Amazon protection are appearing under Brazil’s current federal administration. But amid the drop in deforestation, a new threat is on the rise: uncontrolled fires.

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