Desmatamento na Amazônia: Indo Além da “Emergência Crônica”

17 de março de 2004

mar 17, 2004

Ane Alencar, Daniel Nepstad, David McGrath, Paulo Moutinho, Pablo Pacheco, Maria Del Carmen Vera Diaz, Britaldo Soares Filho

A presente publicação pretende constituir as várias iniciativas adotadas em período mais recente e que apresentam perspectivas favoráveis ao controle do desmatamento.

Ane Alencar, Daniel Nepstad, David McGrath, Paulo Moutinho, Pablo Pacheco, Maria Del Carmen Vera Diaz, e Britaldo Soares Filho. Desmatamento na Amazônia: Indo Além da “Emergência Crônica”. Belém/PA. Março, 2004.

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Veja também

See also

A Pathway to Zero Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon (executive summary)

A Pathway to Zero Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon (executive summary)

The document indicates the possible ways to end deforestation in the region, with environmental, economic and social benefits for the country. Prepared by the Zero Deforestation Working Group - composed of experts from the organizations Greenpeace Brazil, ICV, Imaflora, Imazon, IPAM, Instituto Socioambiental, WWF Brazil and TNC Brazil -, it has the most current scientific literature on forests, climate and agriculture. In the following sections, the main reasons why ZD is, more than possible, an inescapable need.