Crop harvests for direct food use insufficient to meet the UN’s food security goal

13 de maio de 2022

maio 13, 2022

Deepak K. Ray , Lindsey L. Sloat, Andrea S. Garcia , Kyle F. Davis , Tariq Ali  and Wei Xie 

Rising competition for crop usage presents policy challenges exacerbated by poor understanding of where crops are harvested for various uses. Here we create high-resolution global maps showing where crops are harvested for seven broad use categories—food, feed, processing, export, industrial, seed and losses. Yields for food crops are low relative to other crop-use categories. It is unlikely, given current trends, that the minimum calorie requirement to eliminate projected food undernourishment by 2030 will be met through crops harvested for direct food consumption, although enough calories will be harvested across all usages. Sub-Saharan African nations will probably fall short of feeding their increased population and eliminating undernourishment in 2030, even if all harvested calories are used directly as food.

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Este projeto está alinhado aos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS).

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