Commodity production in Brazil, it is not (all) about deforestation: combining zero deforestation and zero illegality

20 de fevereiro de 2015

fev 20, 2015

Andrea Azevedo, Marcelo Stabile, Tiago Reis, Paulo Moutinho

In the last eight years, we have seen a drastic reduction in deforestation rates in the Brazilian Amazon. The annual deforestation rate in 2014 (484.8 thousand ha) was 75% lower than the historical average between 1996 and 2005 (1.95 million ha).

This reduction has been attributed to a variety of factors, with the prevalence of state and federal public policies, as well as the improvement in environmental governance. The market has also played a role in the reduction of deforestation with initiatives such as the soy and beef moratorium in the Brazilian Amazon. This change in the Brazilian market was the response to social pressure from markets such as the European, as well as local actions taken by the state’s public attorneys.

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