Brasil quer reduzir à metade desmatamento da Amazônia até 2017

1 de dezembro de 2008

dez 1, 2008

Raymond Colitt

Reportagem divulgada pela agência Reuters, em dezembro de 2008, afirma que o governo brasileiro anunciou reduzir o desmatamento da Amazônia à metade até 2017, reagindo a críticas internacionais de que o país estaria fazendo pouco para combater o aquecimento global.

COLITT, RAYMOND – REUTERS. Brasil quer reduzir à metade desmatamento da Amazônia até 2017. Brasília/DF. 01 de Dezembro, 2008.

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Brazil's "Low-Carbon Agriculture" Program: Barries to implementation

Brazil's "Low-Carbon Agriculture" Program: Barries to implementation

Brazil launched the “Low-Carbon Agriculture” Plan and a special line of credit: the ABC Program. However, the program has been slow in getting off the ground. To understand why, the Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) conducted more than forty interviews with members of various producer, cooperative, association and industry groups, as well as the government.