On May 25th, 2012, after almost two years of discussions in Congress, a new version of the Brazilian Forest Code was approved (Law 12.651/2012). The new law reaffirmed important norms for forest conservation in all the Brazilian biomes. It also established innovative tools for the support of forest activity and the monitoring of its implementation.2 Among these innovative tools, is the Rural Environment Registry (CAR). It is a public electronic registry, self-declaratory and mandatory to be applied to all of the rural properties in the country. Its function is to generate environmental information regarding rural properties, allowing for the “control, monitoring, environmental planning and economic planning and the fight against deforestation” in rural properties nationwide (Article 29, Law 12.651/2012; Decree 7.830/2012).
Licenciamento ambiental de agroindústrias
Esta apresentação, sobre licenciamento ambiental de agroindústrias, faz parte do Módulo Amarelo, chamado Regularização Sanitária, um dos sete temas que compõem o Programa CapGestão Amazônia, realizado pelo Consórcio Eco Consult e IPAM.