Amazon deforestation drops sharply: Brazil govtAmazon Deforestation Drops Sharply: Brazil Govt

1 de agosto de 2007

ago 1, 2007

REUTERS.: Amazon deforestation drops sharply: Brazil govt. Bsb, Agosto, 2007. You can reed the article here – produced by Reuters, in August 2007, says that the deforestation of the Amazon rain forest in Brazil fell by about a third in the 12 months through July to the lowest rate in at least seven years.

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Resumo dos resultados da COP-17

Resumo dos resultados da COP-17

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This document is the result of a project promoted by the Latin American Platform on Climate (PCL) with the aim of strengthening the development of the climate change agenda at the national level in the Latin-American countries.

Authors: Tiago Reis, Fernanda Bortolotto, Gabriela Russo Lopes and Laura Braga.