Acre’s Progress Towards Jurisdictional REDD

15 de agosto de 2012

ago 15, 2012

Ane Alencar, Daniel Nepstad, Elsa Mendoza, Britaldo Soares Filho, Paulo Moutinho, Marcelo C C Stabile, David McGrath, Simone Mazer, Cassio Pereira, Andrea Azevedo, Claudia Stickler, Sonaira Souza, Isabel Castro, Osvaldo Stella

Research, analysis, and recommendations for the state Carbon Incentive Program (ISA-C) which is part of the Environmental Service Incentive System (SISA).

Alencar, A., D. Nepstad, E. Mendoza, B. Soares-Filho, P. Moutinho, M.C.C. Stabile, D. McGrath, S. Mazer, C. Pereira, A. Azevedo, C. Stickler, S. Souza, I. Castro, O. Stella. 2012. Acre State’s Progress Towards Jurisdictional REDD:Research, Analysis, and Recommendations for the State Carbon Incentive Program (ISACarbono). Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia, Brasília.

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