Documento argumenta porque os povos indígenas devem ter o direito de participar efetivamente na formulação, desenvolvimento e determinação de qualquer projeto ou política de REDD baseada em suas terras e territórios.Paper says why the indigenous peoples should be a condition for participation in any REDD policy or program that the party implementing this mechanism recognizes and enforces the rights of indigenous peoples and traditional communitie.
Export-oriented deforestation in Mato Grosso: harbinger or exception for other tropical forests?
Export-oriented deforestation in Mato Grosso: harbinger or exception for other tropical forests?
The Brazilian state of Mato Grosso was a global deforestation hotspot in the early 2000s. Deforested land is used predominantly to produce meat for distal consumption either through cattle ranching or soya bean for livestock feed. Deforestation declined...