

O impacto da regularização fundiária na economia verde

Estudo publicado pelo IPAM na revista Stanford Social Innovation Review Brasil, verificou a existência de 57 mil propriedades fora dos sistemas do INCRA, o que resulta em mais de 9,9 milhões de hectares de terras sem cadastro. Quando somadas às áreas já registradas...

Documentos e relatórios
PEC 215: Threat to Rights and to the Environment

PEC 215: Threat to Rights and to the Environment

In addition to enforcing the fundamental rights of indigenous peoples, Indigenous Lands (ILs) are crucial for the maintenance of important ecosystem services. However, this role is under threat. If the Proposed Constitutional Amendment 215 of 2000 (PEC 215/00), currently under discussion in the Brazilian National Congress, is approved, it can cause serious legal insecurity for Indigenous Lands.

Artigos científicos
Projections of future meteorological drought and wet periods in the Amazon

Projections of future meteorological drought and wet periods in the Amazon

Future intensification of Amazon drought resulting from climate change may cause increased fire activity, tree mortality, and emissions of carbon to the atmosphere across large areas of Amazonia. To provide a basis for addressing these issues, we examine properties of recent and future meteorological droughts in the Amazon in 35 climate models.