O impacto da regularização fundiária na economia verde
Estudo publicado pelo IPAM na revista Stanford Social Innovation Review Brasil, verificou a existência de 57 mil propriedades fora dos sistemas do INCRA, o que resulta em mais de 9,9 milhões de hectares de terras sem cadastro. Quando somadas às áreas já registradas...
Deforestation scenarios in the area of influence of the Tapajós Hydropower Complex
A summary of an assessment commissioned by WWF and developed by IPAM aimed to provide a
better understanding of the occupation dynamics in the Tapajós basin region and the effects of the proposed Tapajós Hydropower Complex (in English).
Terras Indígenas na Amazônia
Mapa produzido pelo IPAM localiza as terras indígenas na Amazônia.
Commodity production in Brazil: Combining zero deforestation and zero illegality
This article documents the degree of noncompliance of soy producers in the Amazon portion of Mato Grosso with Brazil’s Forest Code and addresses the importance of market demands in shifting agricultural production and land occupation towards zero deforestation.
Desmatamento zero: possível e urgente
O desmatamento zero na Amazônia brasileira, legal e ilegal, é um movimento inexorável. A Amazônia, o Brasil e o mundo precisam dessa meta atingida. Neste documento, o Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia (IPAM) defende que o fim do desmatamento amazônico...
Can carbon emissions from tropical deforestation drop by 50% in 5 years?
Halving carbon emissions from tropical deforestation by 2020 could help bring the international community closer to the agreed goal of <2 degree increase in global average temperature change and is consistent with a target set last year by the governments,...
Tropical Forests: Conserving Climate and Culture
Climate change is occurring now in many places in the tropics. Avoiding large future changes will require empowerment of indigenous peoples and traditional communities as land stewards. Further, scientists must work with stakeholders and policymakers to understand...