
Nota Técnica

Fogo no Cerrado em 2024: retrato de janeiro a setembro

O bioma Cerrado é de extrema importância ecológica e econômica, desempenhando um papel crucial na regulação hídrica (Sawyer et al. 2017), alimentando as principais bacias hidrográficas do país, além de ser a savana tropical com maior biodiversidade do mundo (Myers...

Artigos científicos
Land tenure regularization in the brazilian amazon: perspectives on identifying social, economic and environmental variables for assessing its impacts

Land tenure regularization in the brazilian amazon: perspectives on identifying social, economic and environmental variables for assessing its impacts

Historically the control of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon has been related to several different drivers such as law enforcement (Assunção & Rocha 2014; Schwartzman, Moutinho & Hamburg 2012); social control of supply chains - soy moratorium (Gibbs et...

Artigos científicos
Net primary productivity and seasonality of temperature and precipitation are predictors of the species richness of the Damselflies in the Amazon

Net primary productivity and seasonality of temperature and precipitation are predictors of the species richness of the Damselflies in the Amazon

Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the mechanisms that generate temporal and spatial species richness patterns. We tested four common hypotheses (water, energy, climatic heterogeneity and net primary productivity) to evaluate which factors best...