Secas amplificam perdas de umidade do solo em florestas queimadas do Sudeste da Amazônia
Secas, queimadas e desmatamento fazem com que florestas estoquem mais água do solo como forma de sobreviver, tornando esses ambientes mais secos, suscetíveis ao fogo e diminuindo as chuvas nas regiões próximas. Dados foram divulgados no artigo “Secas amplificam...
Negative fire feedback in a transitional forest of southeastern Amazonia
Anthropogenic understory fires affect large areas of tropical forest, particularly during severe droughts. Yet, the mechanisms that control tropical forests' susceptibility to fire remain ambiguous. We tested the widely accepted hypothesis that Amazon forest fires...
A Three-Fund Approach to Incorporating Government, Public and Private Forest Stewards into a REDD Funding Mechanism
The role of tropical deforestation in global climate change is a strong justification for its inclusion in the UN's global climate treaty. In order to successfully address deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, a compensation scheme must...
Managing the Tropical Agriculture Revolution
Industrial production of beef, soybeans, cotton, and biofuels is expanding into the tropical latitudes of South America and may soon reach tropical Africa in the most important agricultural transition since the Green Revolution. This shift is driven by the shortage...
A three-fund approach to incorporating government, public and private forest stewards into a REDD funding mechanism
The role of tropical deforestation in global climate change is a strong justification for its inclusion in the UN's global climate treaty. In order to successfully address deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, a compensation scheme must...
Artigo: compensando pela conservação da Amazônica
Matéria do Jornal Valor Econômico, em que Daniel Nepstad, co-fundador do IPAM, escreve sobre a importância de mecanismos de compensação para a conservação ambiental.