
After signing an international treaty, such as the Climate Change Convention or the Kyoto Protocol, a country has to ratify the commitment, often with the approval of its parliament or other legislature. The ratification instrument must be deposited with the UN Secretary-General to, then, begin the 90-day count for the ratifying country to become an integral party. There are minimum ratifications thresholds for the entry into force of international treaties.

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The Amazon Emergency Fire Prevention and Control Project (Programa de Prevenção e Controle de Queimadas e Incêndios Florestais na Amazônica Legal, PROARCO), of the Brazilian government.

Fiscal module

Fiscal module

A fiscal module is a unit of measure set differently for each town according to the Brazilian Act No. 6.746/79, which takes into account the type of exploitation predominant in the town; proceeds from the predominant exploitation; and other existing in-town...