Sustainable Settlements Project – Report

26 de abril de 2018

abr 26, 2018

The Sustainable Settlements Project (PAS –Projeto Assentamentos Sustentáveis in Portuguese) was initiated in 2012, with the support of the Amazon Fund and the FVPP (Live, Produce and Preserve Foundation in the Portuguese acronym), with the challenge of proposing and implementing a model that associates increased income for family farmers and reduced deforestation levels in Land Reform.

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Deforestation around the world

Deforestation around the world

The study-cases reported here may call attention for the velocity we are losing our forests in a planetary scale and for inestimable impact that will have in human life quality, in wild life, in water, soil and air and in the world economy. To keep it short, it won’t be a surprise if the cost to fix the losses would overcome the investments we have done to achieve the present unsustainable development.

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Clima e Desmatamento no Xingu – Mudança climática global diz respeito a todos nós

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