Scientists’ statement on recent press release on Amazon susceptibility to reductions in rainfall: no Amazon rainforest “myths” have been debunked.

18 de março de 2010

mar 18, 2010

Daniel Nepstad, Ane Alencar, Greg Asner, Alessandro Baccini, Paulo Brando, Foster Brown, Mercedes Bustamante, Eric Davidson, Scott Goetz, Richard Houghton, Michael Keller, Simon Lewis, Thomas Lovejoy, Patrick Meir, Paulo Moutinho, Carlos Nobre, Scott Ollinger, Oliver Phillips, George Woodwell

Statement signed by scientists who conduct research on Amazon forests, climate, and/or fire on recent press release on Amazon susceptibility to reductions in rainfall.

Nepstad, Daniel; Alencar, Ane; Asner, Greg; Brando, Paulo; Brown, Foster; Bustamante, Mercedes; Davidson, Eric; Goetz, Scott; Houghton, Richard; Keller, Michael, Lewis, Simon; Lovejoy, Thomas; Meir, Patrick; Moutinho, Paulo; Nobre, Carlos; Ollinger, Scott; Phillips, Oliver; Woodwell, George. Scientists’ statement on recent press release on Amazon susceptibility to reductions in rainfall: no Amazon rainforest “myths” have been debunked. 18 march 2010.

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