Building Bridges Between Agriculture and REDD+: summary of an international REDD+ farm fund proposal

19 de novembro de 2010

nov 19, 2010

Tracy Johns, Daniel Nepstad, Jason Clay, Jeroen Douglas, Michael Jenkins, Jan-Kees Vis, David Willers

The REDD+ component of the UNFCCC and other REDD processes such as the Governors’ Climate and Forest task force have the potential to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions 10% or more by slowing tropical deforestation and forest degradation and by enhancing forest carbon stocks. This possibility will not be realized, however, unless agricultural expansion into tropical forests is re‐directed onto lands that are already cleared and currently performing below their productive potential.

Clay, J.; Douglas, J.; Jenkins,M.; Johns, T.; Nepstad, D.; Vis, J.K.; Willers, D. November, 2010.

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