Reducing carbon emissions from deforestation: the role of ARPA’s protected areas in the Brazilian Amazon

2 de maio de 2009

maio 2, 2009

Britaldo S. Soares Filho, Laura Dietzsch, Paulo Moutinho, Alerson Falieri, Hermann Rodrigues, Erika Pinto, Cláudio C. Maretti, Carlos Alberto de Mattos Scaramuzza, Anthony Anderson, Karen Suassuna, Miguel Lanna, Fernando Vasconcelos de Araújo

Esse estudo mostra que, além do seu papel fundamental na conservação da biodiversidade, as áreas protegidas no bioma Amazônia, em particular as que são apoiadas pelo programa ARPA, efetivamente reduzem o desmatamento e as emissões de carbono. O documento está em inglês.

IPAM; UFMG; WHRC; WWF. Reducing Carbon Emissions from Deforestation: the Role of ARPA’s Protected Areas in the Brazilian Amazon. Janeiro de 2009.

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Brazil’s Emerging Sectoral Framework for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation and the Potential to Deliver Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions from Avoided Deforestation in the Amazon’s Xingu River Basin

Brazil’s Emerging Sectoral Framework for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation and the Potential to Deliver Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions from Avoided Deforestation in the Amazon’s Xingu River Basin

The report summarizes research and analysis conducted on the emerging market for GHG emissions offsets derived from activities to reduce deforestation and forest degradation. It presents analysis of the potential for large-scale emissions reductions in the Xingu River basin of the eastern Amazon region.