Apresentação do workshop sobre “Abordagens Políticas e Incentivos Positivos sobre Questões Relativas à Redução das Emissões do Desmatamento e Degradação Florestal em Países em Desenvolvimento”, que ocorreu durante a reunião da Convenção- Quadro da ONU sobre as Mudanças Climáticas.
Subnational REDD Strategy in the Transamazon Region: Promoting a new Model of Low-Emission Rural Development in the Brazilian Amazon
This document describes a series of integrated strategic actions to reduce deforestation and forest fires in the southwest region of Para State (Trans-Amazon region) taken by the Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) in partnership with the Living, Producing and Preserving Foundation (FVPP) and the support from the British Embassy, the Brazil’s Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management, and the Brazilian Secretariat for Strategic Affairs.