Amazon deforestation drops sharply: Brazil govtAmazon Deforestation Drops Sharply: Brazil Govt

1 de agosto de 2007

ago 1, 2007

REUTERS.: Amazon deforestation drops sharply: Brazil govt. Bsb, Agosto, 2007. You can reed the article here – produced by Reuters, in August 2007, says that the deforestation of the Amazon rain forest in Brazil fell by about a third in the 12 months through July to the lowest rate in at least seven years.

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See also

The Increase in Deforestation in the Amazon in 2013: a point off the curve or out of control?

The Increase in Deforestation in the Amazon in 2013: a point off the curve or out of control?

With the objective of reflecting on the causes that led to this deforestation and stimulating a reaction by the Brazilian Public Sector, IPAM, ISA and IMAZON, present in this document their reflections on the increase in deforestation that occurred in 2013 and put forth a series of recommendations for moving forward with reductions in rates of forest destruction in the Amazon.

Protocolo de Quioto

Protocolo de Quioto

Protocolo de Quioto editado e traduzido pelo Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia com o apoio do Ministério das Relações Exteriores da República Federativa do Brasil.