Smoke pollution's impacts in Amazonia

7 de agosto de 2020

ago 7, 2020

Gabriel de Oliveira, Jing M. Chen, Scott C. Stark, Erika Berenguer, Paulo Moutinho, Paulo Artaxo, Liana O. Anderson, Luiz E. O. C. Aragão

Brazil’s Amazon region is undergoing a period of environmental setback, during which large infrastructure projects are being pushed forward and environmental protection is being reduced.

One of these projects is the reopening of Highway BR-319, which was built in 1973 but abandoned in 1988. The road connects Porto Velho, located in an area of abundant deforestation, to Manaus in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. With BR-319 and its planned side roads open to traffic, the deforested area, would likely increase to more than 1200% of the 2011 level by 2100.

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Código Florestal – Avaliação 2012-2016

Código Florestal – Avaliação 2012-2016

Relatório desenvolvido pelo Observatório do Código Florestal, do qual o IPAM faz parte, avalia a implementação do novo Código Florestal. O documento, que tem coordenação editorial de Andrea Azevedo e Tiago Reis do IPAM, discute ponto a ponto os problemas, os avanços e as responsabilidades para colocar em prática o principal instrumento legal que regula o uso do solo em imóveis rurais no Brasil.