Institutional subversion and deforestation: learning lessons from the system for the environmental licencing of rural properties in Mato Grosso

18 de junho de 2012

jun 18, 2012

Raoni Rajão, Andrea Azevedo, Marcelo C. C. Stabile

Following the influential Brundtland Report, environmental preservation, social welfare and economic growth ceased to be seen as opposite objectives, but rather, were considered as pillars of what came to be known as ‘sustainable development’ (WCED, 1987). In order to realise this vision, different multilateral agreements have highlighted the importance of developing institutional frameworks able to tackle environmental issues on a global scale (United Nations, 1992; UNEP, 2011). Nevertheless, despite advances relating to the creation of formal agreements, only a few achievements have been associated with the implementation of environmental institutional frameworks (Zanchetta et al., 2011).

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Plano de gestão ambiental rural do território BR 163 PGAR

Plano de gestão ambiental rural do território BR 163 PGAR

O relatório oferece informações sobre o processo e os resultados obtidos na elaboração do Plano de Gestão Ambiental Rural do território da BR 163. A iniciativa decorre das ações desenvolvidas pelo projeto GESTAR BR 163 / PA, no estado do Pará, de acordo com a proposta assinada pela “Fundação Viver Produzir e Preservar -FVPP e seus co-participante com o projeto FAO/TCP/BRA/2903 e UTF/BRA/060/BRA através do Ministério do Meio Ambiente -MMA Secretaria De Políticas para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável – SDS, Departamento de Gestão Ambiental e Territorial.