
After signing an international treaty, such as the Climate Change Convention or the Kyoto Protocol, a country has to ratify the commitment, often with the approval of its parliament or other legislature. The ratification instrument must be deposited with the UN Secretary-General to, then, begin the 90-day count for the ratifying country to become an integral party. There are minimum ratifications thresholds for the entry into force of international treaties.

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See also

Diffusion in the oceans

Diffusion in the oceans

The process through which the atmosphere and water continuously exchange molecules of carbon dioxide. The diffusion of carbon dioxide into the oceans accounts for almost half of the carbon extracted from the atmosphere. The colder oceans absorb more CO2 than warmer...



Refer to the countries that are part of a convention. These can be individual countries or economic blocs, such as the European Union.



Conference of the Parties, countries who are signatories to the UN Climate Change Convention. With the entry into force of the Climate Change Convention in 1994, representatives of the signatory countries started to meet annually at the Conferences of the Parties...