by Bibiana Garrido | 29/10/2021 | News
Brazilian society has an open space to debate the climate agenda at COP26 and the paths for the country to develop a low-carbon, inclusive and responsible economy: the Brazil Climate Action Hub. Located within the Conference, in the Blue Zone, it will have an...
by Bibiana Garrido | 29/10/2021 | News
Brazil’s greenhouse gases emissions in 2020 grew by 9.5%, while worldwide they dropped by almost 7% due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The increase in deforestation rates last year, especially in the Amazon, put Brazil on the wrong way and left it at a disadvantage in the...
by Sara Leal | 15/10/2021 | News
Even living completely different paces, people who occupy the urban space, the countryside and the forest have always been connected, according to Matsipaya Txucarramãe, one of the participants of the last event of Amazoniar, which took place on Oct 7th under the...
by Sara Leal | 08/10/2021 | News
More than a passion, storytelling is a way that writer and educator Daniel Munduruku found to “provoke people and unravel their way of thinking”. For him, it is a way to challenge colonialist logic and encourage to see things from other points of view. “These are...
by Sara Leal | 20/09/2021 | News
As tackling climate change becomes more urgent than ever, the whole world has been raising and discussing alternatives, but one thing is certain: “any solution has to include keeping the Amazon forest standing”, warned Paulo Moutinho, senior researcher at IPAM (Amazon...
by Sara Leal | 16/09/2021 | News
Several scientific studies have proved the importance of indigenous communities for the conservation of forests, including the Amazon. According to MapBiomas, between 1985 and 2020, indigenous territories already demarcated or awaiting demarcation were the ones that...