
Any process or activity that releases greenhouse gases, aerosols or a precursor of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere.

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See also

Environmental services

Environmental services

A set of functions performed by nature, essential to human beings, such as water and gas regulation, climatic and of physical disturbances, water supply, erosion control and sediment retention, soil formation, nutrient cycling, pollination, and many others.

Leakage or escape

Leakage or escape

It corresponds to the increase of greenhouse gas emissions that occur outside the limit of the clean development mechanism (CDM) project activity and which, at the same time, is measurable and attributable to the project activity. The leakage is deducted from the...

The Stern Review

The Stern Review

Paper commissioned by the government of the United Kingdom on the effects on the global economy of climate change in the next 50 years. It was coordinated by World Bank economist, Sir Nicholas Stern, and published on October 30, 2006. One of the main conclusions of...