Rio-92 or ECO-92

The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, also known as Earth Summit, held in June of 1992, in Rio de Janeiro, bringing together more than 180 countries. It was at Rio-92 that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was opened for signature.

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See also

Carbon credits

Carbon credits

Reductions in greenhouse gas emissions tradable in the international carbon market, measured in avoided tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e). Currently, there are two types of assets being traded on the market: (i) emission allowances allocated to an existing...



A protocol is always linked to an existing convention but is a separate and additional agreement that must be signed and ratified by the "signatory" parties to the convention. Protocols strengthen a convention, usually by adding new and more detailed commitments.

Entry into force

Entry into force

Intergovernmental agreements, including protocols and amendments, are not legally valid until ratified by a certain number of countries. For the UNFCCC creation, it took 50 countries; as for ratifying the Kyoto Protocol, at least 55 countries were required...