Certified emission reduction (CER)

Negotiable credit in the international carbon market originated from clean development mechanism (CDM) projects.

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It means REDD, with the inclusion of the role of conservation, sustainable forest management, and increasing forest carbon stocks in developing countries. It is the concept currently applied under the Climate...



It is a land area of at least ​​0.05-1.0 hectare with tree crown cover (or equivalent level of stock) with more than 10-30% of trees having the potential to reach the minimum height of 2-5 meters in in situ maturity. A forest may consist of closed forest...

Carbon credits

Carbon credits

Reductions in greenhouse gas emissions tradable in the international carbon market, measured in avoided tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e). Currently, there are two types of assets being traded on the market: (i) emission allowances allocated to an existing...