Cerrado: The Brazilian savanna’s contribution to GHG emissions and to climate solutions

7 de December de 2018

Dec 7, 2018

Gabriela Russo, Ane Alencar, Vivian Ribeiro, Cristina Amorim, Julia Shimbo, Felipe Lenti, Isabel Castro

Cerrado is a savanna-like biome which plays an important role in Brazil’s GHG emissions profile: because of its large area, and the increasing tendency in agricultural expansion associated with the low levels of protected areas, it is the second largest source of GHG emissions in Brazil’s land-use change sector, outranked only by the Amazon. It is important to increase the level of legal protection, to promote incentives for sustainable agriculture, to ensure traditional people’s rights, and to include the biome in Brazil’s official NDC goals in order to cut Cerrado’s GHG emission.

This policy brief was launched during COP24, in 2018.

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