
A protocol is always linked to an existing convention but is a separate and additional agreement that must be signed and ratified by the “signatory” parties to the convention. Protocols strengthen a convention, usually by adding new and more detailed commitments.

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Fiscal module

Fiscal module

A fiscal module is a unit of measure set differently for each town according to the Brazilian Act No. 6.746/79, which takes into account the type of exploitation predominant in the town; proceeds from the predominant exploitation; and other existing in-town...

Paris Agreement

Paris Agreement

The COP 21’s Paris Agreement brings all nations into a common cause to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change and adapt to its effects, with enhanced support to assist developing countries to do so. Its central aim is to strengthen the global response...



After signing an international treaty, such as the Climate Change Convention or the Kyoto Protocol, a country has to ratify the commitment, often with the approval of its parliament or other legislature. The ratification instrument must be deposited with the UN...