El Niño

An irregularly occurring climatic phenomenon, but that usually occurs every three to five years. It is evident during the Christmas season (El Niño referes to “baby Jesus”) on the oceanic surfaces of the eastern part of the tropical Pacific Ocean. The phenomenon involves seasonal changes in tropical winds direction that circulate over the Pacific region and abnormally warm ocean surface temperatures. The changes in the tropical regions are very intense, breaking their climatic standards throughout and in higher latitudes, mainly in Central and North America.

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See also

The Brazilian Climate Observatory

The Brazilian Climate Observatory

The Brazilian Climate Observatory (Observatório do Clima, OC) is a Brazilian network of articulation on global climate change established on March 23, 2002. In addition to discussions with experts on climate change, the Observatory promotes the articulation of...



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Carbon stocks

Carbon stocks

They include carbon stored in vegetation (above and below ground), decaying matter in the soil, and wood products.