Diffusion in the oceans

The process through which the atmosphere and water continuously exchange molecules of carbon dioxide. The diffusion of carbon dioxide into the oceans accounts for almost half of the carbon extracted from the atmosphere. The colder oceans absorb more CO2 than warmer waters, since such gas is more soluble at high pressures and low temperatures.

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See also

Carbon sinks

Carbon sinks

Any processes, activities or mechanisms, including biomass, and especially forests and oceans, which have the property of removing a greenhouse gas, aerosols or precursors of greenhouse gases from the...



Following the entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol in 2005, the Conference of the Parties of the UN Climate Change Convention started operating as the meeting of parties (MOP) of the protocol. This body meets in a similar manner to the Conferences of the Parties...

Carbon market

Carbon market

The carbon market has existed since before the entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol, when it was possible to observe, in the international market, a growing demand for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions, so that the ton avoided of equivalent carbon (tCO2e)...