The Stern Review

Paper commissioned by the government of the United Kingdom on the effects on the global economy of climate change in the next 50 years. It was coordinated by World Bank economist, Sir Nicholas Stern, and published on October 30, 2006. One of the main conclusions of the report is that the spending to stabilize the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere would be equivalent to 1% of the world’s GDP by 2050.

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See also

Arc of deforestation

Arc of deforestation

The region where the agricultural border advances towards the forest and also where the highest rates of deforestation of the Amazon are found. It corresponds to 500 thousand km² of land, going from the east and south of the Brazilian state of Pará towards the...



It is the conversion, directly induced by humans, of unforested land into forested land through planting, sowing and/or human-induced promotion of natural seed sources, in an area that has been forested but converted into non-forested land. For the first commitment...

Paris Agreement

Paris Agreement

The COP 21’s Paris Agreement brings all nations into a common cause to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change and adapt to its effects, with enhanced support to assist developing countries to do so. Its central aim is to strengthen the global response...