The Brazilian Climate Observatory

The Brazilian Climate Observatory (Observatório do Clima, OC) is a Brazilian network of articulation on global climate change established on March 23, 2002. In addition to discussions with experts on climate change, the Observatory promotes the articulation of civil society entities to pressure the government for strong actions to mitigate and adapt Brazil in relation to climate change. The Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) is one of the founding organizations of the OC.

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See also

Arc of deforestation

Arc of deforestation

The region where the agricultural border advances towards the forest and also where the highest rates of deforestation of the Amazon are found. It corresponds to 500 thousand km² of land, going from the east and south of the Brazilian state of Pará towards the...



The baseline of a project is the scenario that represents the level of anthropogenic emissions/removals of CO2 equivalent that would occur in the absence of the proposed project activity. It serves as a basis for both verification of additionality and...