Greenhouse effect

It is the way that the Earth has to maintain a constant temperature conducive to life. It is a natural process that provides the necessary temperature for the establishment and sustenance of life on Earth and which is only possible through greenhouse gases. These gases, whose molecules capture heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, when correctly distributed, act similarly to the cover of a greenhouse on the planet, allowing the passage of solar radiation (in the form of light), but avoiding the release of infrared radiation (in the form of heat) by the Earth.

This phenomenon keeps the Earth’s temperature about 30 degrees Celsius warmer than in its absence, preventing our planet from being compared to an icy desert.

As the human activities, such as fossil fuels use, have released more greenhouse gases and they have kept more infrared radiation, leading to a global warming and climate changes.

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Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice – a technical body of the Climate Change Convention.