
The baseline of a project is the scenario that represents the level of anthropogenic emissions/removals of CO2 equivalent that would occur in the absence of the proposed project activity. It serves as a basis for both verification of additionality and quantification of certified emissions eeductions (CERs) arising from clean development mechanism (CDM) project activities.

The certified emissions reductions will be calculated precisely by the difference between baseline emissions and emissions verified as a result of CDM project activities, including leakage. The baseline is qualified and quantified based on a business-as-usual scenario.

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Refer to the countries that are part of a convention. These can be individual countries or economic blocs, such as the European Union.



Conference of the Parties, countries who are signatories to the UN Climate Change Convention. With the entry into force of the Climate Change Convention in 1994, representatives of the signatory countries started to meet annually at the Conferences of the Parties...

Avoided deforestation

Avoided deforestation

It is the reduction in deforestation rate of an area, so that the resulting deforestation rate is lower than in a non-intervention scenario to decrease the forest conversion process.