Annex I parties or Annex I countries

The Annex I to the Climate Change Convention is composed of parties to the convention and the industrialized countries of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. The division between Annex I parties and non-Annex I parties separates the countries according to their responsibility for increasing the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases.

Annex I parties, basically developed countries, have emission limitation or reduction targets since the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol.

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See also

Marrakesh Agreement

Marrakesh Agreement

With 39 decisions, the Marrakesh Agreement compiles the principles, nature, scope, types, and procedures of the flexible mechanisms (CDM, Joint Implementation and Emissions Trading). It was in Africa, in the city of Marrakesh, during the seventh Conference of the...

Designated National Authority

Designated National Authority

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects require domestic monitoring by parties representing the government of the countries involved in the project. Such authority, known as Designated National Authority (DNA), is invested with great responsibility to approve...