Carbon sinks

Any processes, activities or mechanisms, including biomass, and especially forests and oceans, which have the property of removing a greenhouse gas, aerosols or precursors of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

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Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation - the concept has evolved to REDD+.

Leakage or escape

Leakage or escape

It corresponds to the increase of greenhouse gas emissions that occur outside the limit of the clean development mechanism (CDM) project activity and which, at the same time, is measurable and attributable to the project activity. The leakage is deducted from the...

The Brazilian Climate Observatory

The Brazilian Climate Observatory

The Brazilian Climate Observatory (Observatório do Clima, OC) is a Brazilian network of articulation on global climate change established on March 23, 2002. In addition to discussions with experts on climate change, the Observatory promotes the articulation of...