Non-Annex I parties

These are all of the Climate Convention parties not listed in Annex I, basically developing contries, including Brazil.

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It means "land use, land-use change and forestry". The LULUCF activities eligible under the clean development mechanism are those that promote the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, i.e., afforestation and...

Marrakesh Agreement

Marrakesh Agreement

With 39 decisions, the Marrakesh Agreement compiles the principles, nature, scope, types, and procedures of the flexible mechanisms (CDM, Joint Implementation and Emissions Trading). It was in Africa, in the city of Marrakesh, during the seventh Conference of the...

Anthropogenic emissions

Anthropogenic emissions

Emissions produced as a result of human action. For example, large amounts of carbon dioxide are being released into the atmosphere by activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, agriculture, cement making, and so on.