
An igarapé is an Amazon watercourse of first or third order, constituted by a long arm of river or channel. It exists in a small number in the Amazon basin, characterized by little depth and running almost inside the forest.

Most igarapés have dark waters similar to the Negro River (Rio Negro), which is one of the main tributaries of the Amazon River, carrying few sediments. They are navigable by small vessels and canoes and play an essential role as transport and communication routes.

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See also

Arc of deforestation

Arc of deforestation

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Carbon stocks

Carbon stocks

They include carbon stored in vegetation (above and below ground), decaying matter in the soil, and wood products.



Criteria established by Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol, to which the projects developed through the Clean Development Mechanism are subject.  Under this criterion, an activity must prove to result in the reduction of greenhouse gases emissions or the increase of...