Entry into force

Intergovernmental agreements, including protocols and amendments, are not legally valid until ratified by a certain number of countries. For the UNFCCC creation, it took 50 countries; as for ratifying the Kyoto Protocol, at least 55 countries were required (together representing 55% of Annex 1 emissions in 1990). The Paris Agreement entered into force after at least 55 Parties to the Convention accounting in total for at least an estimated 55% of the total global greenhouse gas emissions have deposited their instruments of ratification.

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See also

Avoided deforestation

Avoided deforestation

It is the reduction in deforestation rate of an area, so that the resulting deforestation rate is lower than in a non-intervention scenario to decrease the forest conversion process.



It is the clearing of forests from the ground. It should be noted that forests are a significant sink for carbon dioxide.

Marrakesh Agreement

Marrakesh Agreement

With 39 decisions, the Marrakesh Agreement compiles the principles, nature, scope, types, and procedures of the flexible mechanisms (CDM, Joint Implementation and Emissions Trading). It was in Africa, in the city of Marrakesh, during the seventh Conference of the...