GCF – Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force

The GCF is a subnational task force established by a memorandum of understanding signed in 2008 that provides the basis for cooperation on several issues related to climate policy, financing, technology exchange and research.

A total of 38 states and provinces in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Spain, and the United States are united under the goal of integrating REDD+ policies with other actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The GCF brings together tropical states and provinces that are leading the way in building robust jurisdictional programs to protect forests and climate while enhancing rural livelihoods. It embodies the notion that subnational governments provide critical opportunities for policy innovation and leadership, and that successful efforts to protect forests, reduce emissions, and enhance livelihoods must be based on jurisdiction-wide programs rather than on individual projects and activities.

The jurisdictional approach provides a key platform for cross-sectoral policy alignment and for bringing multiple public and private sector activities together into a comprehensive approach to low emissions rural development.

The GCF embraces a network approach to governance across multiple scales. This includes the GCF Task Force itself, which encourages learning, provides training, and increases collaboration across its network of member states and provinces; the broader network of international institutions, governments, civil society actors, private sector entities, and communities that are cooperating on various activities and initiatives related to low emissions development; and the network of civil servants and their civil society partners that operate within individual member states and provinces and that provide much of the foundation for successful jurisdictional approaches to REDD+ and low emissions development.

Read more at https://gcftf.org.

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Family farming

Family farming

In Brazil, 4,367,902 family establishments, or 84.4% of all rural establishments, occupy 24.3% of the total area of rural establishments, or 80.25 million hectares, distributed in grasslands (45%), forests (28%) and crops (22%).