To achieve sustainable, inclusive, socio-environmental, and economically prosperous development in the Amazon, it is essential not only to recognize and respect the rights of native peoples, but also the traditional knowledge they hold. For this reason, Amazoniar will discuss next Thursday (01/07), starting at 1 pm UTC-4 (EDS, East USA) / 7 pm UTC+1 (Central Europe), the importance of traditional sciences, and what society can learn from them.
The debate includes the indigenous leader of the Wapishana ethnic group and environmental manager of the Indigenous Council of Roraima (CIR), Sinéia do Vale, and the senior researcher at the National Institute for Space Research (Inpe), Antonio Donato Nobre. The moderation will be done by the researcher from IPAM (Amazon Environmental Research Institute), the focal point of projects linked to the indigenous agenda at the institution, Martha Fellows.
The event will be broadcast on the Zoom platform, with simultaneous translation into English. Click here to follow.
About the project
Amazoniar was created to promote a global dialogue on the Amazon rainforest, to broaden the debate about its influence on Brazil’s relationship with the rest of the world.
In the second cycle, the main focus is on indigenous peoples and their role as main allies in combating deforestation and forest conservation, their contribution to science and culture, as well as their impact on the sustainable development of the region. This season’s meetings are scheduled to take place twice a month until the July 15th.
Check out the schedule of upcoming episodes and the topics to be covered:
July 1st – Ep 09: What can we learn from traditional sciences?
July 15th – Ep 10: Pan-Amazon integration: countless cultures in a single biome.
Watch previous episodes here.